Skatepark for Walton
1) LOCATION: This has been a sticking point as many of our parks are already very busy, or surrounded by houses, so not suitable for a skatepark. However, the Greenspaces team at Elmbridge Borough Council have agreed a space we could use! The local police have also agreed this is an excellent option. This site is situated near the Xcel centre, so plenty of local parking and amenities are nearby. A bus service also runs to the Xcel centre as well as an off-street cycle route along the towpath and cycle paths on the main road out from Walton centre.
2) FUNDING: WoTTA is applying for CIL funding from Elmbridge Borough Council. We have also approached the constructors of the new school near the site - BAM - to see if they would like to support the project financially. If anyone would like to get involved, please get IN CONTACT
3) PLANNING PERMISSION: The location of the proposed site is owned by Elmbridge Borough Council. We are waiting to hear if the council will take ownership of the park once it has been built, in which case planning permission won't be needed. If they aren't going to take ownership it is a sticking point in the project as WoTTA has no funds to cover maintenance.
* See Skateboarding GB Design and Development Guidance for Skateboarding
- created this website page with full information for the local community
- launched a Facebook Group to gather support/objections - please follow/like/share WALTON SKATEBOARDING
- created a Focus Group with students at Three Rivers Academy to find out what design would work for the skaters in Walton
- spoken with the police and got their support on the location and the idea of a skatepark in Walton as a tool to help combat Anti-Social Behaviour
- spoken to the EBC Portfolio holder for Leisure & Cultural Services Cllr Janet Turner and gained her support for this facility and location, as well as for a new sport in the town to encourage outdoor exercise for a demographic that often doesn't attend traditional sporting environments*
- contacted local Councillors asking for their support for the project and for the CIL fund application
- dropped leaflets into the few local buildings in the proximity of the site to gather feedback
- spoken with the Xcel centre who are supportive of the project
* See Skateboarding GB Design and Development Guidance for Skateboarding
5) CONTRACTOR/DESIGN: We are gathering quotes from suppliers recommended by Skateboarding GB. We are looking to find a partner to work closely with us to ensure a suitable, long-lasting facility that appeals to a wide range of ages and abilities. Some images below of various suggestions from them: