Town Development - We're working for you! WoTTA is currently:
EBC has been looking at parking in Elmbridge. The Local Elmbridge Committee will review the report 14th September, and then either accept or reject it. Then it will be put out for public comment.

Listening to comments about whether or not the High Street should be pedestrianised to some degree, allowing for markets or events to be held as well as developing a more user-friendly shopping and eating environment. We're hearing from people who love this idea, and people who don't Take this quick survey as a TRADER or a RESIDENT and give us your views.
Successfully applied for funding from Surrey County Council Community Improvements Fund for two flower planters at the junction of Church Street/Bridge Street, new banners in High Street & Bridge Street and two new 3-sided totem signs for Bridge St/High Street junction to highlight the offerings in the town, publicise town events and locate our Walton Trail. (see below also)
Working on a Walton Trail with a map to link all the historical places in the town, encouraging local residents to embrace the amazing history on their doorstep and encouraging tourism to the town. Did you know that Ashley Park in Walton is where the first EVER game of baseball was played? Take the Walton Quiz if you're interested in finding out more!
Launching Walton-in-Bloom.
Supporting Walton Cricket Club's Walton Watchdog initiative, an online system enabling everyone to report any incidents of crime and ASB.
Looking into funding to develop Ashley Park into a destination option in the town with a play area for children and possibly a cafe, whilst retaining it's unique charm.
Formed close working relationship with the local and county council and our MP, Dominic Raab. Also with many sports clubs, churches, schools, community groups and residents groups to link the whole town.
If you'd like to join our Town Development committee, whether a trader or resident, please contact us.
Formed close working relationship with the local and county council and our MP, Dominic Raab. Also with many sports clubs, churches, schools, community groups and residents groups to link the whole town.
If you'd like to join our Town Development committee, whether a trader or resident, please contact us.